It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Dr. Imtiaz Alam.

As of June 30th, 2024 custodianship of Dr. Imtiaz Alam's medical records transferred.

Please find important information as it relates to the Texas Administrative Code Title 22, Part 9, Chapter 165, Rule 165.4 regarding Appointment of Record Custodian of a Physician's Records: A Custodian of Records has been retained for the care of Dr. Imtiaz Alam's records.

Records request may be faxed and will be fully executed until November 30th, 2024 (no less than 120 days from July 30th, 2024). Notice was posted on July 30th, 2024 that all records would be destroyed after November 30, 2024.

Record requests going to a healthcare provider will not incur a fee. Record requests going directly to the patient requesting records will incur a fee. Fee schedule for records:
Administration fee: $25
Records pages 1-25: $25
Each additional page after the first 25 pages will be an additional $0.25 per page.

Please complete the this PDF fillable release of information and fax it to: (737) 273-8708
